Fencing services

Fencing services

Fencing services by Tidy Gardens. Few pictures from recent fence rebuild job.

Old nearly non existent back garden fence replaced by close board fence with concrete morticed posts, arris rails and wooden gravel boards.

Winter is a perfect time for fence repairs. Please give us a call for a free estimate.

End of season garden maintenance

End of season garden maintenance

We’re in mid October and that is the end of season for your garden..

photo of a hedgehog
Nature is soon about to go for a winter sleep, like that hedgehog from a photo above.
Barbeques and all your garden furniture soon has to find it’s space in a garage or other storage to keep it away from destructive winter forces..
Apart from clearing leaves off your lawn you probably don’t think there’s anything else worth doing at the moment.

I actually think it is a very good time to have a closer look at your garden and see if there’s anything in need of repair or improvement.
What is it you should look at?

Assuming you have sorted out everything with regards to greenery in your garden like:
hedges and shrubs trimmed, perennials cut back, diseased plant/ branches removed, lawn mowed for the last time

You now have to look further..

  • Check retaining brick walls for damage/loose/missing bricks
  • Check and replace or improve your garden lawn edging
  • Check loose/cracked/wobbly patio slabs and replace if neccessary
  • Have a look at your fences in particular fence posts. Winter’s rather windy so before they get knocked down you might want to replace them
  • Could be a good time to give your paths a good scrub if they are mossy – always better to prevent any slips and falls.
  • Clear out compost bins if of course compost is ready
  • Autumn’s the best time for transplanting and planting new shrubs / trees / evergreens / perennials giving them enough time to establish good root system
  • Perfect time for lawn maintenance: moss and thatch removal, overseeding, lawn aeration

Garden services – summer’s nearly here

It’s been awhile since my last post, but it’s not like it’s been quiet. On the contrary, plenty of garden services going on.

Spring is here, summer’s approaching so Tidy Gardens are very busy sorting out your gardens!
It is mainly regular garden maintenance now. So things like weeding, spraying, lawn mowing. Just keeping on top of it!

We still feel the impact of recent storms in a way that there’s no fencing products available !!
We do have quite a few jobs lined up and we’re still waiting for all the materials to commence work !
Hopefully all the fencing stuff will be back in stock by the end of April and we can then crack on and build these fences !

Below few pictures of what we’ve been up to recently.

Garden planting – spring 2014

Garden planting – spring 2014

Garden planting for this difficult space near a big oak tree

It’s a difficult small garden. There is a big oak tree which overshadows most of that space.
I believe good plants have been selected and it will make it look much more presentable and enjoyable. Here’s some photos of what it looked like before:

Raised beds did not impress, plants near the fence ( scotch broom, holly, rose ) did not thrive.

I have planted camelias in between 2 shrubs ( fatsia japonica, choicia and … who knows that one? ) Camelias do well in half shade or even full shade. Soil is also acidic so that’s a good combination for camelia.

I got rid of holly, rose, scotch broom and another shrub and planted a line of spotted laurels which will do very well in a shadow area.
spotted laurel - garden planting

Raised beds have seen a total makeover.
Replanted with hypericum ( John’s Wart ) and Vinca ( periwinkle ) together with some other small ground covering plants.
Vinca can be invasive but in these raised beds can easily be managed or removed if needed.
raised bed garden planting

raised bed garden planting

Call Paul