Final touches in one of the gardens

Final touches in one of the gardens

It’s been awhile since anything new showed up on this website even though we have been so so BUSSSSSY ..why don’t we have a look at a recently completed garden where we have updated fences, borders and plants

It wasn’t our first visit to this garden. Not so long ago we’ve also done some work there.. and we got few words from a customer then !
please read a review under this link

We have had to wait awhile for our desired plants but when they arrived, we’ve come and planted them same day !
Plants to include a colourful line of euonymouses , phlox and erysimum as ground cover, a couple of nice viburnums and weigellas, also some lovely sarcococcas and cryptomeria.
Here’s some photos. Please share your thoughts with us by making a comment under this post !

Thanks for looking !

Planting in Reading – Maiden place

Planting in Reading – Maiden place

Over the weekend planting of raised beds at a commercial site in Reading

Two raised beds that needed soil in the first place and then a planting scheme.
We have included all low, beautifully flowering perennials for these two beds.

Let’s no judge yet. It needs some time to show it’s true colours ! Fingers crossed

Refreshed gravel area and new ground cover planting

Refreshed gravel area and new ground cover planting

Let’s not beat about the bush..

Was asked to refresh the area around the vegetable patches and come up with some planting ideas for two borders along the fence. Ultimately Low maintanance borders. Also to plant some bushes to provide some screening and be attractive as well.

Photos before and after:

New planting scheme includes:

  • Achillea nobilis asubs. neilreichii
  • Bergenias
  • Geranium macrorrhizum ‘Czakor’
  • Antehmis punctata subsp. cupaniana
  • Calluna vulgaris ‘Winter chocolate’
  • Armeria maritma thrift
  • Parahebe catarractae ‘Delight’
  • Ajuga reptans ‘Braunherz’
  • Forsythia spectabilis
  • Spirea arguta
  • Weigela burgundy
  • Caenothus Yankee Point

Few months later, that is today ( June 2016 ) I have been in the garden to see how things are doing. Everything’s good !
Plants have taken in, borders are full and everything looks much better ! Certainly an improvement.

Thanks for looking !

Garden planting – spring 2014

Garden planting – spring 2014

Garden planting for this difficult space near a big oak tree

It’s a difficult small garden. There is a big oak tree which overshadows most of that space.
I believe good plants have been selected and it will make it look much more presentable and enjoyable. Here’s some photos of what it looked like before:

Raised beds did not impress, plants near the fence ( scotch broom, holly, rose ) did not thrive.

I have planted camelias in between 2 shrubs ( fatsia japonica, choicia and … who knows that one? ) Camelias do well in half shade or even full shade. Soil is also acidic so that’s a good combination for camelia.

I got rid of holly, rose, scotch broom and another shrub and planted a line of spotted laurels which will do very well in a shadow area.
spotted laurel - garden planting

Raised beds have seen a total makeover.
Replanted with hypericum ( John’s Wart ) and Vinca ( periwinkle ) together with some other small ground covering plants.
Vinca can be invasive but in these raised beds can easily be managed or removed if needed.
raised bed garden planting

raised bed garden planting

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