Let’s not beat about the bush..

Was asked to refresh the area around the vegetable patches and come up with some planting ideas for two borders along the fence. Ultimately Low maintanance borders. Also to plant some bushes to provide some screening and be attractive as well.

Photos before and after:

New planting scheme includes:

  • Achillea nobilis asubs. neilreichii
  • Bergenias
  • Geranium macrorrhizum ‘Czakor’
  • Antehmis punctata subsp. cupaniana
  • Calluna vulgaris ‘Winter chocolate’
  • Armeria maritma thrift
  • Parahebe catarractae ‘Delight’
  • Ajuga reptans ‘Braunherz’
  • Forsythia spectabilis
  • Spirea arguta
  • Weigela burgundy
  • Caenothus Yankee Point

Few months later, that is today ( June 2016 ) I have been in the garden to see how things are doing. Everything’s good !
Plants have taken in, borders are full and everything looks much better ! Certainly an improvement.

Thanks for looking !

Call Paul /