Garden services – Lower Earley..continued

Garden services – Lower Earley..continued

Garden services in Lower Earley.

There’s been more progress today in this garden.

However there is still a lot more to be done..

garden maintenance Reading

garden before

garden maintenance Reading

garden before

1. Left side ( top photo ) along the fence: ‘Kerria japonica’ has to be uncovered..
2. Ahead by the wall ( top photo ): All the brambles will be removed
3. Hebe ahead ( top photo ) has to be reduced.
4. Other shrubs need trimming

Lower Earley garden clearance now completed

Garden maintenance – hedgehog surprised today

Garden maintenance – hedgehog surprised today

Whilst doing some garden maintenance and clearing up some leaves in a garden today


I stumbled upon a sleepy creature.

This lovely hedgehog was unfortunately disturbed by me.
However I have managed to reconstruct his nest and he seemed happy underneath it. 🙂


Landscaping project in Bracknell

Landscaping project in Bracknell

Bracknell – landscaping. A rather untidy area  had been landscaped.

Two patches rotovated and manure incorporated

Another half where trampoline is going – weed suppressing membrane and filled with plum slates.


Garden pond area clear up

Garden pond area clear up

Garden in Caversham.


At the back there was a garden pond with lots of plants and wildlife..

Wildlife included a bumblebee hive which caused a bit of trouble and had to be moved.
All that area was just too wild so the idea was to clear it up
Before and after photos below.

Call Paul