Plants and planting

Plants and planting


We can provide you with your desired plants. We can source them and plant them in.
We can also design a planting scheme based on your likes.
Be it a single feature plant or a list of different varieties – Tidy Gardens have know-how and will get you these at the best possible prices.

Just get in touch with us. We’ll be happy to help

Winter plants worth having

Winter plants worth having

Attractive and beautiful winter plants ?

Winter in your garden doesn’t have to be grey, leafless and boring. With the right planting you can make it even more attractive in winter than it is in the summer !


Evergreen plants play a vital role in garden structure. Not on their own but in connection with the right underplanting you will have a beautiful garden all year round !


Yes there are plants that flower beautifully in late autumn, early winter. See some on this page below. However it’s not just about the flowers. Some shrubs have gorgeous and colourful stems for example.


Smell .. most summer flowers give off amazing scents, so it’s easy in the summer. For winter there’s also few less known.. read on

Tidy Gardens – Reading

Gardener in Reading

Tidy Gardens – London

Gardener in London

The most beautiful plant I always admire at the end of gardening season, to me surely it is “NERINE BOWDENII”

It’s colour is out of this world, especially around the grey reality of autumn.
It’s a bulb which multiplies and grows each season giving even more colour each following year.

One warning if you decide to plant it. Don’t burry it deeply. It’s bulbs need to be right at the surface.



NERINE BOWDENII and it’s bulbs

See below more of the plants I find most powerful when it comes to winter attractiveness


Late autumn / winter flowers


Late autumn / winter flowers


Winter flowers plus berries. Black berries come with sarcococca confusa, red berries you will find on sarcococca ruscifolia.
The most amazing and sweet fragrance when you’re around them in Late December / January in the UK.

Now some more plants that others would recommend for winter gardens however these are rather early spring show offs .. Flowering from around March in the UK.


flowers March through April

Witch hazel

Late winter / early spring flowers


In the Uk it come give gorgeous blossom between April and May.

Cornus – dog wood

Flowers in the summer but very distinct and brightly coloured stems throught the winter make it a quite attractive winter shrub.

Now… if the above is new to you, give it a go and try these in your garden ! Alternatively if you’d like to have a winter garden or a winter border created for you then just get in touch ! We will do it for you.

land clearance for land owners

land clearance for land owners


Two similar projects in August 2021. Both to clear out pieces of land. LAND CLEARANCE

A privately owned land in central Reading, littered and  overgrown. To see what it looked like and what we did please watch this video

Another overgrown, weedy and littered land this time in Pangbourne needs some clearance work. Video below.

One days worth of work in a garden

One days worth of work in a garden

A team of gardeners for a day ? – I’m sure you wonder .. what could they do in a day.

For quite a few reasons gardens can quickly become unmanageable  for customers and this is when our team can quickly turn it around. 

Please see photos below. In most gardens follow up visits will be required especially when some nastier weeds are present. In this garden for example we had loads of green alkanet which will be treated with a weed killer later on.

Get In Touch


One day garden tidy up

At the bottom of this page please see some photos “before and after?” of our one day work on a  garden in Twyford / Berkshire.

If you do need to find out more about our services then please check them out under the link just below.

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London garden maintenance – Get In Touch


One day garden tidy up / garden maintenance in London

Based in Reading we provide our services here but also in West London. Garden maintenance in west London

Garden needs a tidy up ?

Garden needs a tidy up ?

One day garden tidy up

Have you ever wondered what a team of professional gardeners could do in a day ?
Check out more garden tidy ups by our team !Read what our customers said about us

It wasn’t our first visit to this garden. We have done a tidy up in the same garden  about three season ago. Back then it wasn’t much better and generally our work involved mowing, strim, cut back and brambles uproot. I have to say it isn’t a great feeling when you see the same garden in such a horrible state again! after you’ve given your 100% to really make it nice and managable but, having said that quote was given and job was accepted.

This year the work here involved:

  • bring grass to a manageable level
  • trim hedges
  • trim / cut back various shrubs
  • prune some smaller trees
  • remove ( uproot ) all coarse grasses from the front garden as well as from half of the back garden
  • remove ( uproot ) all the brambles in front and back gardens.
  • tidy up afterwards
  • take away all green waste


I hope photos will tell you more about our day in this garden. HERE WE GO

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