Final touches in one of the gardens

Final touches in one of the gardens

It’s been awhile since anything new showed up on this website even though we have been so so BUSSSSSY ..why don’t we have a look at a recently completed garden where we have updated fences, borders and plants

It wasn’t our first visit to this garden. Not so long ago we’ve also done some work there.. and we got few words from a customer then !
please read a review under this link

We have had to wait awhile for our desired plants but when they arrived, we’ve come and planted them same day !
Plants to include a colourful line of euonymouses , phlox and erysimum as ground cover, a couple of nice viburnums and weigellas, also some lovely sarcococcas and cryptomeria.
Here’s some photos. Please share your thoughts with us by making a comment under this post !

Thanks for looking !

Patio repointing

Patio repointing

Patio repointing

Proud of this quick but so beautifully finished patio pointing job in Reading. We haven’t laid the patio, but were asked to repoint it as whoever did lay it, put just a very weak mortar in joints. However even if that was a stronger mix it wouldn’t solve the issue. Cement / sand mix as a pointing compound is a cheapest option but never a quality one. Mortar cracks and crumbles .. You need a special pointing compound which we used here and use on many other landscaping projects that we do. It is not cheap but long lasting and very effective.

It is not our first job in this garden. In the past we relaid part of the lawn, scarified and reseeded the rest, laid brick edging, created a new flower bed including planting of our choice.

Photos below.

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