Topiary work as a weekend relax

Topiary work as a weekend relax

Together with my great son we’ve done a quick topiary work on this conifer.

One of us was responsible for trimming whilst the other for tidiness afterwards. I think both of us have done a brilliant job ! 🙂

topiary work - gardens in Reading

Planting in Shinfield, Reading.

Planting in Shinfield, Reading.

We’ve done some planting together with turfing and edging job for this customer in Shinfield already

, but we’ve been asked to come up with ideas for another area… So the idea was to create something like below

Originally the area was quite empty with one biggish viburnum and looked like this

Once cleared and rotovated it turned into a plain field..

And here we have started … Lonicera’s are in as a frame for some flowering perennials – we’ve given them 5 enclosures, one more than originally planned. Also some background along the fence – this one is my favourite plant.. wait and see for yourself, we should have that completed shortly.
Now waiting for more plants to be delivered..

Planting started but not yet completed

TO BE CONTINUED … updated 09-12-2018

Cryptomerias have arrived, nice and biggggg.
We didn’t want them to wait so it has all been planted same day!

Garden fence painting

Garden fence painting

We do various things in your garden but this time it is about our quality, efficient and cost effective garden fence painting service.

Please get in touch if you would like a quote on this service.
Check out two quick videos about our garden fence painting service below.
We look forward to hearing from you !
Fence painting service from TidyGardens.UK

Completed fence painting.

New and better lawn area

New and better lawn area

Lawn renovation is pretty much possible in any case, but the important thing is – can you wait few months ?

If the answer to the above is no and there is a budget for it then why not call us ?

Two days of work have seen this front lawn totally changed. Edges have been defined, poor sandy soil improved with lots of compost – all that well rotovated and levelled, finally a new turf laid which, will now have the best conditions to show it’s colours. Mowing with such well executed edge will also be a breeze for the owner.

Have a look please and get in touch if you’d like to get our quotation on something similar.

Call Paul /