Autumn | spring leaf clearance service, leaf clear up.
Leaf clearance season is still ongoing.
This years warmer autumn contributed to a later leaf fall, but inevitably it’s with us and will be for few more weeks. Possibly until the end of November.
Do you know a term “Sisyphean labours” ? It is very true in relation to leaf clearance. Comes spring and we look forward to thick and lush foliage on our trees and shrubs, but that will have to come down sooner or later. Nevertheless leaf clearance is an annual chore. Boring but has to be done, especially if there is a lawn in your garden and you want it in good shape, or you simply care for your safety. ( slips )
You might think that leaving leaves in your borders will help protect your precious plants from frost, but actually by doing so you are inviting slugs to set up home. They do not hibernate, instead they breed awaiting spring when they come out and munch on your seedlings and tender new growth. Some perennials look simply untidy if not cut down and leaving dead leaves on top of them will deprive these plants of light in spring and affect their growth.
Depending on weather leaf fall can be fun as well !
– dry weather results in crisp and crunchy leaves therefore possibly a lot of fun for your little ones.
– wet weather on the other hand ( here’s UK for you ) results in slimy and slippery leaves that create more danger than fun.
If it ain’t pleasure for you to keep your beds, lawns and patios cleared of leaves then book me for the job.
With proper equipment I will clear your garden in no time !