Lawn mowing – big or small

Lawn mowing – big or small

Lawn mowing service in/around Reading – big or small

In this case a rather big area.
Below’s the lawn area… many steps ahead..

21″ walk behind mower – unfortunately
3h later, sun’s had already left me… SUCCESS !

lawn mowing - done

Lawn patch up | returfing bare patches

Lawn patch up | returfing bare patches

Bare patches on your lawn? Lawn patch up using rolled turf is the quickest remedy

Whether some parts of your lawn have been affected by a disease or taken over by stubborn weeds or it’s a result of a mistreatment like for example spraying your lawn with a general herbicide ( i.e. roundup ) instead of a selective one ( i.e. feed & weed ).
Your lawn can be repaired quickly by laying new turf from a roll.

How to do it ?
1. Remove existing turf. About top 5cm.
2. Rake or best rotovate lightly.
3. Add top soil so that new turf is level with the rest of your lawn.
4. Lay new turf
5. Water straight after and keep watering daily for another 2 weeks.

Lawn repair services

Lawn edging | block paving bricks | turfing

Lawn edging | block paving bricks | turfing

Most of us have lawn in our gardens. Most have some sort of lawn mowing equipment at home as well, but how about lawn edging?

If you are thinking about having a new lawn then think how you are going to maintain it.
Mowing along the edges, fences, deckings etc is not that simple unless you took some care in designing your space.

Think about lawn edging. These can be your friend every time you go out to mow your lawn. Bricks or stones put down flush with the surface of the lawn make mowing a pleasure. You don’t have to strim the edges or do anything else apart from running the mower with one wheel on the edge.

Here’s some pictures of a returfed area together with a newly created lawn edge along the fence made with block paving bricks.

Few photos of another garden that had lawn edging done.
Before and after photos below

Lawn maintenance and scarification – after treatment

Lawn maintenance and scarification – after treatment

Here we are few months after that lawn had some work done to it including:

  • feeding
  • scarification
  • grass overseed


I think we had a good result and cost wasn’t big neither..

Please find some photos below of before and after lawn treatment.

Call me to book your spring lawn treatment / lawn maintenance today !



Lawn maintenance and lawn weeds identification – lawn treatment / weed killers

Lawn maintenance and lawn weeds identification – lawn treatment / weed killers

Lawn maintenance – common lawn weeds index

Click a plant image below to read more

lawn maintenance, lawn weeds - Veronica filiformis

Veronica filiformis

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lawn maintenance, lawn weeds - trifolium repens

trifolium repens

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lawn maintenance, lawn weeds - Trifolium dubium

Trifolium dubium

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lawn maintenance, lawn weeds - taraxacum officinale

taraxacum officinale

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lawn maintenance, lawn weeds - soleirolia soleirolii

soleirolia soleirolii

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lawn maintenance, lawn weeds - Sagina procumbens

Sagina procumbens

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lawn maintenance, lawn weeds - rumex acetosella

rumex acetosella

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lawn maintenance, lawn weeds - Rumex acetosa

Rumex acetosa

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lawn maintenance, lawn weeds - Ranunculus repens

Ranunculus repens

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lawn maintenance, lawn weeds - Ranunculus ficaria

Ranunculus ficaria

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lawn maintenance, lawn weeds - Prunella vulgaris

Prunella vulgaris

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lawn maintenance, lawn weeds - potentilla anserina

potentilla anserina

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lawn maintenance, lawn weeds - poa annua

poa annua

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lawn maintenance, lawn weeds - Plantago spp

Plantago spp

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lawn maintenance, lawn weeds - Pilosella officinarum

Pilosella officinarum

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lawn maintenance, lawn weeds - Luzula campestris

Luzula campestris

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lawn maintenance, lawn weeds - Lotus corniculatus

Lotus corniculatus

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lawn maintenance, lawn weeds - Leontodon spp - hawkbits

Leontodon spp – hawkbits

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lawn maintenance, lawn weeds - Hypochaeris radicata

Hypochaeris radicata

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lawn maintenance, lawn weeds - Glaux maritima

Glaux maritima

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lawn maintenance, lawn weeds - Geranium molle

Geranium molle

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lawn maintenance, lawn weeds - Crepis capillaris

Crepis capillaris

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lawn maintenance, lawn weeds - cerastium arvense

cerastium arvense

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lawn maintenance, lawn weeds - BELLIS PERENNIS


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lawn maintenance, lawn weeds - Aphanes arvensis

Aphanes arvensis

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lawn maintenance, lawn weeds - Achillea millefolium

Achillea millefolium

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